Technical details
Item no.: see product variants

Data at a glance
- UL certified
Residual current inputs
2Harmonics V / A
1st – 63rdActive energy class
0.2S (…/5 A)Digital inputs
2Digital / Pulse output
2Memory size
256 MBInterfaces
- RS485
- D-Sub-9 connector (Profibus)
- Ethernet
- Modbus RTU
- Modbus Gateway
- Profibus DP V0
- Modbus TCP/IP
- Modbus RTU over Ethernet
- BACnet IP (optional)
Product variants
Item no.: 5226001
Supply voltage AC
95 … 240 V ACSupply voltage DC
80 … 300 V DCItem no.: 5226003
Supply voltage AC
48 … 110 V ACSupply voltage DC
24 … 150 V DCFunctions and features
Powerful alarm management
- Can be programmed via the graphic programming or Jasic ®source code
- All measured values can be used
- Can be arbitrarily, mathematically processed
- Individual forwarding via email sending, switching of digital outputs, writing to Modbus addresses etc.
- Watchdog APPs
- Further alarm management functions via GridVis® -Service alarm management
Graphical programming
- Comprehensive programming options (PLC functionality)
- Jasic® source code programming
- Sustainable functional expansions far beyond pure measurement
- Complete APPs from the Janitza library
Modbus Gateway function
- Economical connection of devices without Ethernet interface
- Integration of devices with Modbus-RTU interface possible
- Data can be scaled and described
- Minimised number of IP addresses required
Modern communications architecture via Ethernet
- Ethernet interface and web server
- Faster, better cost-optimised and more reliable communication system
- High flexibility due to the use of open standards
- Integration in PLC systems and BMS through additional interfaces
- BACnet optionally available
- Up to 4 ports simultaneous
- Versatile IP protocols
RCM (Residual Current Monitoring)
- Continuous monitoring of residual currents (Residual Current Monitor, RCM)
- Alarming in case a preset threshold fault current reached
- Near-realtime reactions for triggering countermeasures
- Permanent RCM measurement for systems in permanent operation without the opportunity to switch off
- Ideal for the central earthing point in TN-S systems
Power quality
- Harmonics analysis up to 63rd harmonic
- Acquisition of short-term interruptions
- Acquisition of transients
- Display of waveforms (current and voltage)
- Unbalance
- Vector diagram