Janitza equipped with the most modern production line
State-of-the-art technology combined with user-friendly functions

Janitza's new THT placement line has been operational since May 2018. It’s a state-of-the-art technology combined with user-friendly functions. "THT" stands for "Through Hole Technology", which is a system for semi-automatic component assembly. It’s one of the most modern production lines in Germany.
The THT line is among other things equipped with special chips (RFID-Tags), which can be used to retrieve all important informations for the assembly and the wave soldering process.
In addition, every circuit board contains a data matrix code within the scope of the desired "traceability", which is scanned by the individual machines in order to save processed product-related informations in a database.
Based on this data, all process parameters and informations for the individual circuit boards can be reconstructed or recalled.
By automatization of the complete line concept, a 100% quality inspection of THT and SMD components can be guaranteed. An important component of this is the new automatic optical THT inspection system (AOI system), with which one performs a component and a joint test simultaneously in a combined system. By using a new wave soldering system within the THT assembly line, Janitza therefore is able to increase the quality within the production even further.
"The benefits of the new THT line are enormous. The output is much higher and faster, the workplaces are more ergonomic and the integrated AOI system guarantees the highest quality”, tells Project Manager Rudolf Schmidgeisler. Since all parts are controlled up to 100%, errors can be ruled out or eliminated right from the outset. If the system detects an error, it will be displayed accordingly to the respective employee via a monitor at his workstation so that the employee can react immediately.
From the planning phase to commissioning, the project took about one year. The THT line offers various possibilities - the workplaces are divisible, variable or optionally extendable. Thus a THT-placement machine can be connected to the THT line. In addition, the workplaces of the employees are very ergonomic. The tables are not only electrically height-adjustable, they can also be tilt up to 10 °.
Furthermore, the modern workstations are equipped with LED lighting to ensure optimum lighting conditions during assembly.
"I am very proud of my project team from the production, consisting of Alexander Laudenschläger and Edgar Kary, who took over the project management. They really did a great job! It's great to have such young and highly motivated employees in the team! ", says Rudolf Schmidgeisler proudly.
Prior to the commissioning of the THT line, those responsibles visited various companies, i.a. in Austria, and exchanged their experiences and themes concerning the new production line.