The Carbon Code - Janitza on the Path to Carbon Neutrality

In times when the impacts of climate change are becoming increasingly evident, companies have a responsibility to actively contribute to emissions reduction. Janitza cracks the 'Carbon Code' and shows the way to a carbon-neutral future.

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The first step towards greater climate protection and carbon neutrality in the company is the systematic recording and analysis of carbon dioxide (CO2) consumption within the company. In this process, three scopes are distinguished:

  • Direct emissions, which are directly attributed to or controlled by the company (Scope-1).
  • Indirect emissions from purchased energy sources (Scope-2).
  • Indirect emissions that cannot be directly controlled by the company but occur within the value chain (Scope-3).

For industrial companies, calculating emissions is a complex task, as the entire value chain needs to be analyzed in terms of CO2 consumption. However, with the right measurement technology, cost-saving measures can be identified, and offset measures can be evaluated.

In the second step, emission reduction goals are set. The company's own climate protection strategy serves as the basis for further actions and is typically developed with the support of external consulting firms. It is based on science-based goals and takes complex interconnections into account.

The third step involves implementing measures to reduce emissions. This can be achieved through improving energy efficiency, using renewable energy sources, or optimizing production processes, for example. These measures must be regularly reviewed with regard to relevance and target achievement and adjusted if necessary.

In the fourth step, any unavoidable carbon emissions within the company are compensated for by financing climate protection projects. These projects demonstrably reduce, avoid, or sequester greenhouse gases – from expanding renewable energy sources to reforestation projects. This is calculated in metric tons of CO2 and certified according to international standards such as the Verified Carbon Standard or the Gold Standard.

A crucial aspect is independent verification that emission calculations are accurate and that compensation projects make a genuine contribution to climate protection. This can be done through appropriate certification by an independent institute.

Open and clear communication about the company's path - from calculating emissions to financing climate protection projects to achieve CO2 neutrality - is also of great importance.


Janitza offers solutions for determining and reducing the carbon footprint.

"In a time when the impacts of climate change are becoming increasingly evident, companies have a duty to actively contribute to solving this global problem. Janitza, as a company that provides energy measurement devices and solutions for optimized energy usage, bears a special responsibility," says Rudolf Müller, CEO of Janitza electronics GmbH.

A central aspect of Janitza's products is to make energy flows and consumption transparent. This transparency forms the basis for the analysis and optimization of energy usage.

Determining current emissions is an important step, especially when considering emissions from energy sources such as natural gas and fuels at the site. Additionally, there are indirect emissions from purchased energy, such as electricity, steam, district heating, or cooling. Janitza's energy measurement devices offer an excellent solution for precisely measuring these energy flows. They not only ensure accurate measurements but also comply with all applicable standards.

The GridVis® power grid monitoring software enables quick and easy monitoring of energy consumption and supports in determining the carbon footprint. Energy consumption can be compared and evaluated across time periods, locations, and consumption media, allowing for the identification of potential savings and weaknesses through data visualization.

Janitza's energy measurement technology solutions are always up to date and support compliance with standards such as EN 50001 or EN 50160, as well as reduction of carbon emissions.


Self-Set Goal at Janitza: Achieving Carbon Neutrality Well Before 2030

Sustainable and resource-efficient energy management is deeply ingrained in Janitza's DNA and is one of the company's core values.

Therefore, Janitza has operated a certified energy management system according to ISO 50001:2018 since 2013. "Janitza has committed to achieving the goal of carbon neutrality as quickly as possible. This requires the participation of all – from employees and customers to suppliers and logistics service providers," says Patrick Steiss, Energy Manager at Janitza. He plays a significant role in the measures to account for and reduce carbon emissions to achieve the company's goal of carbon neutrality.

An important step on this journey is certified carbon-neutral electricity procurement, which was implemented for the Wetzlar and Lahnau company locations in 2022. This saves approximately 205 tons of carbon emissions per year. However, this is just one piece of the puzzle; another step is increasing self-sufficiency through self-generated carbon-neutral solar power. In 2023, the third photovoltaic system was already put into operation. This provides green power to the production, development, and administration areas. Furthermore, the logistics of a transport service provider were completely converted to carbon-neutral, and a new fleet policy along with the installation of electric charging stations accelerates the expansion of the electric vehicle fleet.

The accounting and assessment of greenhouse gas emissions, a highly complex matter, is developed by Janitza in collaboration with a specialized service provider in the field. This ensures the highest level of transparency and is confirmed by the certification of carbon neutrality by an officially recognized institution.

Achieving carbon neutrality is an essential goal for companies, enabling them to generate both ecological and economic value. By reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing energy efficiency, and using renewable energy sources, companies reduce their environmental footprint, realize cost savings, strengthen their competitive position, and enhance their reputation. Janitza demonstrates how to embark on this path through its own company and provides the foundation for achieving carbon neutrality with its energy measurement technology offerings.