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The highlight of GridVis® 9 is the new improved dashboard editor. Numerous visualization objects and the intuitive operation open up completely new possibilities for the individual design of your dashboards. The new edition GridVis® Cloud is an energy monitoring portal for the simple display of consumption.

Janitza power monitoring dashboard with real-time charts, load profiles, and harmonic analysis
GridVis® Standard, GridVis® Expert

Clear and customized Dashboards

The Dashboard Editor for the Standard and Expert editions allows for the customizable design of dashboards. Save time and effort when creating your documents with the intuitive tools and drag-and-drop system. Customizable measured values and templates help you to have an overview of the most important values. With the new dashboard period and customizable time periods for each object, you can quickly and easily compare the values from different time periods.

Janitza energy management system dashboard displaying consumption summary and energy distribution chart for 2020
GridVis® Expert

Customize Reports

The GridVis® Expert Report Editor enables you to customize reports, archive them and make them available as PDFs in compliance with standards. Additionally, they can be sent automatically via email. Embed images and logos and use various objects, such as charts, in the design of your reports. Reports such as the meter reading cycle and utilization reports are now also available in the web application.

Energy consumption monitoring dashboard for electricity, gas, and water with detailed consumption charts
GridVis® Cloud

The Energy Monitoring Portal

The GridVis® Cloud Edition offers an easy-to-use interface for energy monitoring. Combined with the Cloud Connector, basic consumption data is collected and clearly prepared. The GridVis® Cloud edition can be used in combination with or in addition to other GridVis® editions.

You benefit from worldwide access to your data. Conveniently view CO2 emissions and energy costs on predefined dashboards and compare values across different time periods.