Advanced Functions

Edition Standard

In addition to the basic functions of the Essentials edition, GridVis® Standard offers advanced data visualization options. Extensive system functions facilitate data management, create a quick overview and simplify processes. Data exports in the form of various reports facilitate evaluation. The data import function enables the import of external data such as turnover or quantities into GridVis®.

System functions

Vinculación lógica y control de procesos


  • Logical links and operations to create cost centers or virtual measurement points, for example.

Automatización y procesos programados


Data readout and tariff managemet, notifications in case of faulty device communication.

Gestión de bases de datos y servidores

Management of databases

Use database actions like data compacting or backup creation as well as MSSQL and MySQL drivers.

Gestión de usuarios y grupos de usuarios

Management of users

Manage users with their authorizations and roles.

Configuración del dispositivo para ajustes personalizados

Device configuration

Configure your measurement devices using numerous setting and parametrization options.

Grabador en línea para el registro continuo de datos

Online Recorder

Recording of measurement data, for example for third-party devices, devices without memory or devices with OPC UA connection.


Paquete básico de widgets para un diseño de sistema personalizado

Widget basic package

With the widget basic package, dashboards can be created and visual features such as charts and live values can be added.

Resumen de todos los dispositivos conectados en el sistema

Device overview

Overview of all meters as well as a search and filter function.

Análisis de eventos y anomalías con el Event Browser


Events and transients can be analyzed easily and in detail using graphs, the CBEMA curve and statistics.


Exportación básica de datos según EN 50160

Basic Data export

CSV exports and various reports, such as the commissioning report or the energy report.

Exportación de datos PQ para informes y análisis detallados

PQ data export

Various data exports can be used to assess the power quality, such as the high availability report, the LET report or the EN 50160 annual evaluation.

Exportación de datos PQ para informes y análisis detallados

RCM-, EnMS- & EEG data export

RCM report for clear presentation of the measurement data. For energy management, the utilization report and the energy bill are available.


Importación de datos CSV y MSCONS para un procesamiento eficiente

Data import

Data imports from CSV or MSCONS files.

Interfaz REST API para integración fluida en sistemas


REST API interface for developers and application engineers.