+49 6441 9642-0
Head office
Janitza electronics GmbH Vor dem Polstück 6 35633 Lahnau, Germany
Your first point of contact for support queries and assistance. In addition to our support team, you will also find an extensive troubleshooting database to help solve your queries.
Here you will find the right person to help with your query. From hardware to software.
Are you experiencing problems with our hardware or software? Then send a trouble ticket to our support team.
We offer rapid assistance via Teamviewer remote maintenance. Direct and simple to use.
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Information, portals, downloads and FAQ on GridVis®.
In our downloads area you will find comprehensive brochures, operating manuals, software updates, CAD drawings, tender documents, and much more.
Benefit from our comprehensive knowledge database on measurement technology, power quality, standards and much more.
You can find an overview of and information about our discontinued products.
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Janitza consulting services go far beyond product recommendations. We are happy to contribute our more than fifty years of experience to your project.
Janitza supports you with the commissioning of your monitoring solution. This includes the installation of the GridVis® system software as well as the configuration of the measuring device.
Our engineers and technicians can support you efficiently via a remote session or an on-site visit.
Energy and system check to verify voltage quality and IT-compatible energy distribution, maintenance contracts.
Get the best out of your data and uncover errors in the system at an early stage.
Janitza carries out projects in the areas of energy management, power quality and residual current monitoring in more than 60 countries worldwide.
360-degree service – We are here for you, guiding you every step of the way to your own load management solution.
All whitepapers at a glance
Here you will find all important information on the correct operation of current transformers and their power consumption.
Get exciting insights into our diverse applications.
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